Hiace Premio Luxury Jakarta hitam

Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor

Sewa Hiace Jakarta

Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor

Layanan Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor mobil toyota hiace luxury Jakarta Bandung Tangerang untuk perjalanan dalam dan luar kota. Dikelolah oleh Yoshi Trans Holiday Sewa Hiace Luxury Jakarta Mobil terbaru tahun 2020 Paket Supir dan termasuk BBM. Sewa Harian Mingguan bulanan paket wisata dan liburan.

Apakah Anda mencari layanan sewa Hiace di Parung, Bogor? Kami memiliki solusi yang tepat untuk Anda. Indobuswisata menawarkan layanan sewa Hiace dengan harga terjangkau dan beragam pilihan destinasi. Berikut adalah daftar harga layanan sewa Hiace Parung selama lebih dari 3 hari:

  1. Pangandaran (3 Hari) – Rp 5.500.000
  2. Bogor, Puncak, Bandung – Rp 4.900.000
  3. Cilacap/Berebes/Tegal/Pekalongan/Purwokerto (3 Hari) – Rp 5.500.000
  4. Wonosobo/Semarang/Banjarnegara/Kebumen (3 Hari) – Rp 6.000.000
  5. Yogyakarta/Demak/Kudus/Pati/Remang/Blora (4 Hari) – Rp 7.000.000
  6. Madiun/Blitar/Mojokerto/Malang/Sidoarjo/Surabaya (5 Hari) – Rp 9.500.000
  7. Bangkalan/Sampang/Pamekasan/Bondowoso/Jember (6 Hari) – Rp 10.500.000
  8. Bali (8 Hari) – Rp 13.600.000
  9. Bali – Lombok (10 Hari) – Rp 17.000.000

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, Anda dapat menghubungi tim marketing melalui

Yoshi Trans Holiday is a professional transportation rental company that provides Hiace rental services in Parung, Bogor. They offer various types of Hiace, including Hiace Premio Luxury, Hiace Commuter, and Hiace Minibus, with affordable rental prices. Here are some of the details of their services:

  • Hiace Premio Luxury: This type of Hiace is suitable for those who want to travel in luxury and comfort. It can accommodate 8-12 passengers and comes with full facilities, such as air conditioning, entertainment system, and comfortable seats. The rental price starts from Rp 1,500,000 per day
  • Hiace Commuter: This type of Hiace is suitable for those who want to travel with a larger group of people. It can accommodate up to 15 passengers and comes with air conditioning and comfortable seats. The rental price starts from Rp 1,000,000 per day
  • Hiace Minibus: This type of Hiace is suitable for those who want to travel with a larger group of people and need more space for luggage. It can accommodate up to 14-15 passengers and comes with air conditioning and comfortable seats. The rental price starts from Rp 1,500,000 per day

Yoshi Trans Holiday also provides professional drivers who are experienced and knowledgeable about the area. They can help you plan your itinerary and provide recommendations for places to visit in Parung, Bogor. To rent a Hiace from Yoshi Trans Holiday, you can contact them through their website or hotline

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Table of Contents

Paket Rental Mobil Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor

Paket Sewa Hiace Karawaci Tangerang Wisata & Armada

Layanan Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor

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Gallery Sewa Hiace Parung Bogor Luxury Yoshi Trans

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